Advanced Cytology in Practice
This advanced webinar, which will be the third in the series, will cover the cytology of nodular skin disease. It will consider the best diagnostic techniques to use to investigate nodular disease and discuss differential diagnosis for nodular skin disease in the dog and cat. The presentation will show examples of the cytology from different epithelial and round cell tumours found in the skin, as well as the different infectious organism that can be identified on cytology from nodular lesions. Learning Objectives: - Learn the major differential diagnoses of nodular skin disease - Appreciate the best diagnostic techniques for the investigation of nodular disease, including taking samples for cytology - Understand basic interpretation of epithelial and round cell tumours - Learn to recognise different pathogens that may be found on cytology from nodules
Sue Paterson M.A. Vet.M.B.D.V.D. Dip.E.C.V.D FRCVS
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