Cytology in Practice
(Part Two)
Sue Paterson M.A. Vet.M.B. D.V.D. Dip.E.C.V.D. FRCVS,
Sue Paterson is an RCVS and European Specialist in Veterinary Dermatology. She has been elected as a fellow of the RCVS for contributions to clinical practice in the field of Veterinary Dermatology. Sue has written 7 text books, numerous book chapters and has more than 80 refereed dermatology publications. She has lectured at international meetings in more than 30 countries. She is RCVS president and member of RCVS Council, and SVP of ESVD. She is past President of BSAVA. In her spare time, she and her husband Richard (and her two Labradors Truffle and Saffron) are keen walkers.
The second webinar in our cytology series sees Sue Paterson exploring more advanced investigation and interpretation techniques.
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Sue Paterson M.A. Vet.M.B.D.V.D. Dip.E.C.V.D FRCVS
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