Identifying Food Allergies
Aoife Morrow, BVSc Cert AVP (Derm) MRCVS,
Aoife graduated from the University of Liverpool in 2014 and has worked as a vet in Northern Ireland since then, first in mixed animal practice and then solely small animal practice. She quickly gained a keen interest in dermatology, and saw the challenge and reward in treating skin cases. She studied for her post-graduate qualification in Dermatology also at Liverpool, and gained her Certificate in Advance Veterinary Practice, specialising in Dermatology, in July 2021.

In 2 of 5 of a mini-series looking at the approach to allergy, Aoife gives a recap on the latest evidence around identifying food allergies in relation to our allergic patients.
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Aoife Morrow, BVSc Cert AVP (Derm) MRCVS
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