Managing Clinical Cases in Practice: Pseudomonas Otitis

Pseudomonas otitis is a common complaint in dogs. Due to the unpredictable resistance pattern in this species and the speed at which new resistance occurs, dogs with Pseudomonas otitis can be a challenge to treat. Pseudomonas otitis often goes hand in hand with ulcerations in the ear canal and severe pain. Many dogs get headshy and owners are often overwhelmed and frustrated by their pets suffering and the lack of success of therapy.
This seminar will guide practitioners through the jungle of treatment options for this condition. Most importantly it will feature the avoidance of recurrence of Pseudomonas otitis by working the patient up following the PPPS system und identifying and treating as many factors involved in the changes and making the ear inhospitable to these bacetria in the first place.
5 learning objectives
After the webinar participants should be able to
- Perform basic cytology
- Decide when to perform culture and sensitivity testing in cases of otitis
- Choose treatment options for acute Pseudomonas otitis
- Adequately recognize and manage pain associated with otitis
- Work up otitis patients based on the PPS system
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